

classics magazine for high school students

Submission and Contact

  • Submission requirements: anything related to the classics is welcomed. It can be written in one of the classical languages (Latin, Greek, Sanskrit), or in English, Chinese or Spanish. The genres we accept include: poetry, science fiction, short story, prose, playwriting, research papers, etc. No word limit.
  • Submission format: email; please attach one piece (word document or pdf.) per email, title it with the category (creative writing/research paper)
  • We publish monthly and submissions are due on the 25th of each month. There will be two rounds of edits for each piece. You may receive revision notes from our editors’ team once your submit your pieces, so remember to check your inbox.
  • We welcome everyone to our editors’ team. There’s no language requirements. To get to know you better, here is a quick survey that contains descriptions for leadership positions:
  • instagram page:
  • if you have more questions, please email